The purpose of the Hi-Liner Pantry & Bridges Backpack Program is to help alleviate child hunger through the provision of food/essentials to children and their families at school. There is NO CHARGE to students and families to participate and there are no income requirements. More information can be found below.

What types of items will be available at the Hi-Liner Pantry?

Most of the items available for the students are shelf stable, nutritious and easy to prepare.

● Assortment of hygiene products, housing essentials

● Peanut butter, jelly, applesauce, canned fruits and puddings

● Cereal, crackers, chips, granola bars, fruit bars, cookies and popcorn

● Canned tuna or chicken

● Canned soups and pasta meals

● Some refrigerated foods (fruits, cheese sticks, veggies, small meals, etc.)

● Weekend backpacks (backpack of food/essentials for the weekend)

The Hi-Liner Pantry information and forms are on our school website. under About Us and click under the tab; Hi-Liner Pantry.

Forms may be turned into the Counseling Center or sent to the email below.

If you would like more information you may contact us, information is below.

Recent research shows that many children who do not have enough to eat wind up with diminished capacity to understand and learn.

Children don’t have to be starving for this to happen. Even mild undernutrition – the kind most common among poor people in America – can do it.” Carl Sagan

Thank you,

Linda Anderson, Hi-Liner Pantry coordinator –

Summer Burchill, 7-9 counselor

Tatiana Eggum, 10-12 counselor

Shari Larson, Counseling Center Secretary


Hi-Liner Pantry (7-12)

Bridges Backpack (K-6)